Human Rights Associations
Amnesty International
“Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. We are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. We are funded by members and people like you. We are independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religion. No government is beyond scrutiny. No situation is beyond hope. Few would have predicted when we started that torturers would become international outlaws. That most countries would abolish the death penalty. And seemingly untouchable dictators would be made to answer for their crimes.”
( 12.05.2015 ) Pétition d’Amnesty International : la loi transgenre doit être modifiée
(15.04.2015 ) Norvège : avancée pour les droits des personnes Trans
( 4.02.2014 ) The state decides who I am: Lack of legal gender recognition for transgender people in Europe
( abstract ) For transgender people, official identity documents reflecting their gender identity are vitally important for the enjoyment of their human rights. They are not only crucial when travelling but also for everyday life; depending on the specific country, individuals may be asked to produce an official document when they enrol in school, apply for a job, access a public library or open a bank account.
( 4.02.2014 ) L’État décide qui je suis. Les personnes transgenres confrontées à des procédures de changement d’état civil défaillantes ou inexistantes en Europe. Extraits
( abstract ) Les personnes transgenres ont absolument besoin de papiers reflétant leur identité de genre afin de pouvoir jouir de leurs droits humains. Ces papiers sont non seulement indispensables pour voyager mais également dans la vie quotidienne. Ce rapport illustre les violations des droits humains subies par les personnes transgenres en Europe lorsqu’elles cherchent à obtenir la reconnaissance légale de leur genre. Certains pays ne permettent pas de changer d’état civil. De nombreux autres n’autorisent les personnes transgenres à changer d’état civil que si elles acceptent de se plier à des exigences intrusives, qui constituent des violations de leurs droits humains.
( 24.01.2013 ) France Contribution écrite au gouvernement concernant les violences et les discriminations basées sur l’identité de genre.
( abstract ) Cette contribution traite spécifiquement de certaines problématiques entrant dans le champ d’action du groupe de travail 6 de ce processus. En particulier, Amnesty International reste préoccupée par un certain nombre de questions ayant un impact négatif sur les vies des personnes transgenres et intersexuées et entraînant des violations de leurs droits humains. Cela inclut le manque d’une protection complète contre les discriminations fondées sur l’identité de genre, les conditions obligatoires pour la reconnaissance légale du genre et les obstacles dans l’accès aux soins. Le gouvernement français doit veiller à ce que toute action entreprise dans ces domaines respecte les normes internationales relatives aux droits humains et les recommandations des organes issus des traités internationaux ainsi que des institutions inter-gouvernementales telles que le Conseil de l’Europe.
ILGA – International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
“ILGA-Europe is a non-governmental umbrella organisation which represents its members, principally organisations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, at the European level. Its membership comprises around 300 organisations from throughout Europe. ILGA-Europe was established as a separate region of the ILGA in 1996. ILGA itself was founded in 1978. ILGA-Europe has an office in Brussels – look here for its current staff members. ILGA-Europe enjoys consultative status at Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and participative status at the Council of Europe and receives financial support from the European Commission. It is a member of the Platform of European Social NGOs.“
( December 2009 ) Transgender people and the Gender Recast Directive – implementation guidelines ( by: Stefano Fabeni, Silvan Agius )
( May 2009 ) Transphobic Hate Crime in the European Union ( A Research Project Sponsored by ILGA-Europe and Press for Change )
( 2011 ) Human Rights and Gender Identity, Best Practice Catalogue
Intersexuelle Menschen e.V.
“Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. setzt sich ein für ein selbstbestimmtes, diskriminierungsfreies Leben aller Menschen. Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. steht ein für die Verwirklichung der Menschenrechte und wendet sich gegen jede Art der Diskriminierung und Benachteiligung wegen des Geschlechtes auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene.”
( 1.02.2011 ) Parallelbericht zum 5. Staatenbericht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Internationalen Pakt über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte (CESCR) – ( Fassung inkl. Fallstudien ) ( PDF )
( 1.02.2010 ) Shadow Report to the 5th National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the United Nations Covenant on Social, Economical, and Cultural Human Rights (CESCR) ( Incl. Addendum – Case Studies ) ( PDF )
( 1.07.2008 ) Parallelbericht zum 6. Staatenbericht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen zur Beseitigung jeder Form der Diskriminierung der Frau (CEDAW) ( PDF )
( 2.07.2008 ) Shadow Report to the 6th National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) ( PDF )
OII – Organisation Internationale des Intersexes
“OII was founded in 2003 by and for intersex people, by Intersex American Curtis Hinkle, with a mission to attain human rights for intersex infants, children, and adults, particularly the right to bodily integrity and self-determination. OII rejects the medicalized labels of disorder, such as Disorders of Sex Development (or DSD) — which was imposed on intersex people in 2006 by the medical community to describe intersex people — because it is stigmatizing and facilitates nonconsensual medical and psychiatric practices. We also reject the recent inclusion of intersex variations, under the language of DSD, in the American Psychiatric Association’s statistical manual, the DSM-V.”
OII francophonie
(2013): Supposée reconnaissance d’un troisième sexe par l’État allemand : des risques à considérer ( PDF )
Revendications de l’OII-francophonie
OII Australia
( 15.10.2014 ) Submission on Australia and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ( PDF )
( 29.10.2013 ) August submission to the Senate Inquiry on the involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with disabilities, Organisation Intersex International Australia. ( PDF )
( 28.09.2013 ) On the number of intersex people ( PDF )
TGEU – Transgender Europe
“Our vision – Transgender Europe envisions a Europe free from discrimination, where each person can live according to their gender identity and gender expression without interference and where trans people and their families are respected and valued. Our mission – TGEU works for the equality of all trans people in Europe. We give trans people a voice in Europe – We advocate for trans people’s human rights – We raise awareness on issues trans people are facing – We support a strong trans movement – We conduct and encourage research for the benefit of trans people – We are an active part of the international trans movement”
( 5.4.2015 ) What the EU Should Do to Advance the Rights of Trans People
( 2015 ) The Trans Rights Europe Map 2015
( 2015 ) Trans Rights Europe Index 2015
( 12.2014 ) The Trans Crossroads: Trans People’s EU Employment Rights
( 2014 ) Trans Rights Europe Map